Standardized Extract

Xian Natural Field Bio-Technique Co., Ltd
No 6, Caotang Industry Park, No.2 Qinling Road, Hi
Bin(xian), Shaanxi (SN) 1001

Aloe vera gel powder is from fresh aloe vera leaves. With the process of washing, sterilizing, dispatching and extracted by the modern juice extractor, then to be decolorized and filtered. After the process of Membrane Separation, freeze and dried, then we will got aloe vera gel freeze dried powder. It can prevent skin being damaged from ultraviolet radiation and making skin soft and elastic. With the function of whitening and moisturizing skin, anti-bactericidal and anti-inflammatory, therefore, It is widely used in cosmetics and hair care products. Milk thistle powder is a poorly water-soluble flavonoid (total flavonoid) extracted from the milk thistle plant. It has been proved by experiments that silymarin has obvious protective effect on liver damage caused by various liver poisons. Its target organ is the liver. It enters into the body and mainly binds to plasma proteins. It is present in plasma, bile and urine in the form of bound silymarin. Pygeum africanum extract is a popular in several parts of the world for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a disease that affects 50% of men in their 60s and 85% of those over 80 years old. Ginseng is the most famous Chinese herb, a kind of perennial herbaceous plant, florescence is from June to September, fruit period is from July to Sepetember. Ginseng extract powder can enhance immunity and the ability of antivirus and infection. Phycocyanin Powder is one of the rare pigment proteins from spirulina extract, which helps regulate the metabolism and synthesis of many proteases, regulates and promotes the body's immune system. The amino acid composition of phycocyanin is complete and the essential amino acid content is high.
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