Natural Ingredients

Xian Natural Field Bio-Technique Co., Ltd
No 6, Caotang Industry Park, No.2 Qinling Road, Hi
Bin(xian), Shaanxi (SN) 1001

Aloe vera has a long and wide using history in food, drugs and beauty products. Anthraquinone compound is the main active ingredients of Aloe, it contains barbaloin (also called as aloin, aloe-emodin), aloe-emodin anthranol, isobarbaloin, alomycin, aloin A, aloesin and so on. Barbaloin is the basic component, which can hydrolysis into aloe-emodin under the action of bacterial parasite in human body. It can Promote tissue regeneration. Aloe vera extract powder contains vitamin B complex, folic acid, vitamin C and carotene, which has the functions of anti-allergy, anti-ultraviolet, anti-inflammatory and acne elimination, and can be made into facial mask, cream and other skin care products.

In China, Vine Tea is commonly known as Teng Cha and is sold/used as a herbal remedy to alleviate fevers, drunkness, cure rheumatism, strengthen physique, diuresis, and many other functions.

Dihydromyricetin powder's main effects are that of gaba/alcohol receptor inhibitor. (Hepatprotective meaning liver/blood protector. Gaba receptor cells uptake alcohol during consumption and the resulting loss of function from loss of GABA uptake produces the effects of intoxication.) Polygonum Cuspidatum Resveratrol is a non-flavonoids phenolic substance, which belongs to the plant antitoxin of astragalus compound. Resveratrol is a substance that plants make to fight off invasion by bacteria or fungi. Its' sources include the skins of grapes, blueberries, raspberries and mulberries, and cassia plants.

Wildcrafted japanese knotweed extract is a naturally occurring polyphenol that provides a number of anti-aging health benefits including improved metabolism, cardioprotection, and cancer prevention. Much of the work on resveratrol and cancer comes from in vitro studies looking at resveratrol actions on cancer cells and pathways.
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