
Desiccant refers to a substance that can remove moisture from moist materials. Desiccant can be divided into silica gel desiccant, calcium chloride desiccant, clay desiccant, container desiccant, activated carbon desiccant, molecular sieve desiccant and fiber desiccant.

Container desiccant can avoid the occurrence of defective products caused by excess moisture. For example, super dry desiccant can effectively control the humidity change caused by the temperature change in the container. Shipping container desiccants have strong absorption capacity, and they are widely used in agricultural products, textiles and leather, wood and paper products and so on. Packaged desiccant is made of clay and has strong absorption capacity as well.

Silica gel desiccant is a highly active adsorbent material, usually prepared by reacting sodium silicate and sulfuric acid, and undergoing a series of post-treatment processes such as aging and acid foam. For example, moisture packets have good thermal stability and strong mechanical strength. Desiccant bags for shipping containers can be used in shipping containers to absorb water vapor during marine transportation or storage and prevent the goods from being damp, moldy, rusted, and oxidized.
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