Car air purifying bag

We are committed to provide high-quality car air purifying bag. Our car air purifying bag is the most convenient, most practical and safest solution to keep your home free from any kind of unpleasant smell. Charcoal air purifying bags have a large pore diameter and strong absorption ability, can effectively remove the car formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, TVOC and other harmful gases. Bamboo charcoal air freshener bag is made up of bamboo charcoal which is made from high-grade bamboo and fired at high temperature. Nature bamboo charcoal air purifying bag has strong adsorption capacity. It is able to purify the air, eliminate odor, absorb moisture and mold, and inhibit bacteria and insects. Bamboo charcoal air purifying bag can absorb formaldehyde, benzene, TVOC, sulfur dioxide and other harmful substances released from indoor wood-based panels, paints, adhesives and insecticides.
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