Approval Of The Application To Drilling Permit (ADP) For The First Exploration Well (16/1) In Block

On the 12th of December 2019, and based on the opinion of the LPA, the Minister of Energy and Water approved the Application to Drilling Permit for the first exploration well in block 4 that the Right Holder Operator TOTAL E&P Liban, on behalf of all the Right Holders in block 4, submitted to the Minister of Energy and Water and to the LPA on the 17th of October 2019. Accordingly, the Right Holder Operator can now proceed with the drilling campaign.
As per the provisions stipulated in the regulations in place, no later than eight weeks prior to the planned commencement of drilling a well, the Right Holder must submit an application for a drilling permit.
The ADP consists of a drilling programme and a proposal for a well name and registration number. The drilling programme includes geological and environmental information about the area in which drilling activities will take place such as the targeted prospects, the schedule of drilling activities, the drilling methods to be used, the environmental assessment within the area in which petroleum activities are to take place and mitigation measures to reduce the environmental impact.

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